
TekSavvy Cable Internet & Double NAT error

I'm hoping that someone's been in a similar boat or has a few tips that could fix this. I've just recently switched from Rogers High Speed Internet to TekSavvy Internet. I'll go ahead and give you the network info...

Cable Modem: Thomson  DCM476
Airport Extreme running 7.6.1
Airport Express running 6.3
MacBook running 10.6.8
Mac Mini running 10.7.4

I wanted to share my experience.
Switched from Rogers to Teksavvy.

Experience was horrible so far, but we do have a solution. (scroll to bottom)

I switched from Roger to TekSavvy this past week... had Rogers for > 1 year and everything worked smoothly. Switched occured this past Thursday and ever since, I've had problems with Double NAT & No DNS error... let's just say that watching streaming video has become a tedious process of having to get up every 5-10 minutes or so to restart the clip (ie. watching TV shows on for example) is a task I wish on no one!

I contacted TekSavvy support and they've basically said "NOT OUR PROBLEM. FIGURE IT OUT". To be honest, I was floored. Not the type of service I was expecting from what was a tons of referrals from friends and acquaintances.

I googled a few variants but nothing appears to stick out in terms of steps to fix/resolve this issue.

With Rogers - everything worked. Time capsule worked automatically with the cable modem.

Switched to Teksavvy. Cheaper and Rogers wasnt willing to offer more usage. Went through retention dept and the most they offered was 20% off - but with their usage caps, it made sense to go to Teksavvy with their 300 gb limit.

I cancelled Rogers. Same day I got Teksavvy. I ended up buying their cable modem. DCM476 for $100.

Day 1 - the day of the switch Teksavvy they kept saying - it should switch over automatically, just be patient. It never switched over automatically.

Day 2 - called and got bounced around. Note - you need a PC to troubleshoot. This doesnt work well for me as I have a macbook air and the apple time capsule. Not friendly to mac. No internet for the day.

Day 3 - I finally borrowed a laptop from work. I plugged in laptop to modem. It works on direct connection. But it doesnt connect to airport time capsule. I have latest firmware for everything @ time.

The airport time capsule worked with Rogers. However it doesnt work for Teksavvy.

Note - i probably have had 6 calls with Teksavvy - basically I got the run around - it works on a direct connection - that's all we need to do - tough luck.

I saw another website - and tried to get them to give me the DCM475... but they dont offer that anymore.

Honestly - they need to know this problem and at least have some support for this. They should know this error and tell people - not force people to search the internet for solutions. It's ridiculous their attitude. That might be the worst.

So it didnt work.

Is it Teksavvy's problem? or an Apple Time Capsule problem? i.e. why did ATC not connect to the DCM476?

To me - the ATC connected to Rogers - so it's a Teksavvy prob.

Day 4... I was able to get a cheap router from work.

*** SOLUTION: for me was to get another router. Just a cheap one. DCM476 -> connected with cheap router -> which connected to the Airport Time capsule.

So my problem is solved. After many hours and lot'sve of problem solving. What a waste of time. We'll see how my experience continues with them.

I would not recommend Teksavvy to anyone.


  1. Anonymous9/11/2014

    Anytime you change ISPs or networking hardware, it is always a good idea to perform a complete power recycle of your networking components.

    I would recommend that you do the following as a minimum:

    Power-down the modem, AirPort base station, and computer(s).
    Disconnect the AirPort base station from the Internet broadband modem.
    While all of the devices are powered-down, perform a "factory default" reset on the base station. This will get it back to its "out-of-the-box" configuration and make setting it up much easier, especially if you use the "Assist me" process within the AirPort Utility. (ref: Resetting an AirPort Base Station or Time Capsule)
    After the base station resets, go ahead and power it back down.
    Reconnect the AirPort base station to the Internet broadband modem. For the Extreme and Time Capsule, be sure to connect the cable to the base station's WAN (circle-of-dots) port.
    Power-up the modem; wait at least 10-15 minutes to allow it adequate time to initialize.
    Power-up the AirPort base station; wait at least 5-10 minutes. Note: The AirPort's status light may continue to flash amber after it has intialized. That is because, there may be some additional configuration items necessary, like setting up wireless security, before the overall setup is completed to get a green status.
    Power-up your computer(s).

    In this basic configuration, the AirPort base station will broadcast an unsecured wireless network with a Network Name (SSID) of Apple Network NNNNNN. Network clients, connected to the base station either by wire or wireless, should now be able to access the Internet through the ISP's modem. Once Internet connectivity has been verified, you can use the AirPort Utility to configure the base station for wireless security and any other desired options. Please post back your results.

  2. I too am having the double NAT error with this modem, and an ASUS AC66U Wireless Router. Everything I've read says to configure the modem in Bridged mode (SRSLY????).
    We consistently have to reboot the modem as we lose connectivity about every 3 days which also knocks the phone offline.
    How does one go about actually changing a setting with this modem? The default gateway GUI is less than useless.

    Teksavvy is our ISP (no complaints there at all)
    iMac/Macbook Pro/MacMini/iPad and one lone PC

    Thanks for ANY insight as to how to actually get into a settings page for this modem


  3. Anonymous2/12/2015

    Double NAT tells me you are not using Brdige mode, and that we already have translation being done upstream. The DNS issue should be resolved after the PROPER modem power-cycle.

    Your issuess should still be easily solved, unless TekSavvy is using outdated PPPoE junk like AT&T tends to use.

    I would do a factory reset of your router and set it up in bridge mode. Also, if you have an iphone or iPad you could use this to generally set up your router automatically.. which would prevent you from selecting wrong options.

  4. Anonymous2/12/2015

    You can log into the Thompson modem by using this IP ... the diagnostic & event log are there... might help you when speaking to tech support. Just don't mention that you're connected using any kind of router otherwise, they'll hand you Apple's tech support # which, IMHO, is a sad way to handle a client issue.

    After speaking with TekSavvy and doing some troubleshooting, they believe it's a network issue and have assigned the ticket back to Rogers. My appointment is tomorrow afternoon... hoping that it gets sorted out. I'll be sure to keep you posted.

  5. Anonymous2/12/2015

    Rogers tech finally dropped by. They'd disconnected me from the panel (hence the loss of 2 days of service). The tech reconnected me and said "goodbye" ... I asked him to stay to show him I could reproduce the original issue... and I did. He said it was a modem issue.

    Call back TekSavvy... long story short, apparently, they're having issues with some of the DCM476 units and are shipping me a replacement DCM475 which should arrive in 3-5 days. I'm hoping that the replacement modem fixes the issue... tbh, it's the ONLY piece of equipment that's been swapped from my Rogers setup when everything worked A-OK.

    RSMRSM, I did mention that I *knew* someone else that experienced the same issue... you should call it in. They'll likely dispatch a tech but in the end, you'll probably get a replacement modem (DCM475). I'll post back once I get the new modem... hoping that this will solve the problem.

    At least now, someone can Google the problem and see what the solution/ouctome is and know it's most likely not their Apple equipment!

  6. Anonymous2/12/2015

    I got the replacement modem (DCM475) last night and hooked it up. I've been running problem free since 7:35pm last night (since I hooked it up). I'll be asking for a credit from the install date (2 weeks) & certainly get in touch with the CEO in hopes that they can better train their staff to diagnose THEIR hardware issue instead of passing the buck and saying the problem is router related.

    If they suggest to send a tech in, I'd skip the step and just go straight for the replacement (ask for or confirm they are sending DCM475 to replace the faulty DCM476).

  7. Anonymous2/12/2015

    When Teksavvy (or any company) does a very clear mistake and does not compensate you for that mistake.

    Find a "consumer court" "small claims court" in your jurisdiction, check their rules, ensure that your case is legally solid (e.g you have emails or other records of them promising something and not delivering, loosing internet connectivity for a long duration and not getting a reduced bill etc).

    Sent a "WITHOUT PREJUDICE, formal notification - asking them for compensation, listing the difficulties that you have undergone because of the loss of internet connection or whatever"

    They'll mail you back with a stingy offer (we'll send you a free modem, free 1 week internet), hike it up to the level you want, If you are unhappy, be ready to go to the court.

    Small claims court usually do not require a lawyer; so the expenses are low. I got a good "climb down" from TekSavvy - it should be similar for any company that takes customers for a ride assuming customers won't take the pain for suing.


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